open field in alberta with hay bales

Pieridae's ESG Vision

We will be responsible stewards of the environment, foster mutually beneficial relationships with Indigenous Peoples in Canada and our stakeholders, and be leaders in demonstrating good governance to establish trust, act with purpose and support Pieridae’s business vision.

What word better defines a core element of something that should arguably be part of every company’s DNA?

Layer in ‘ethical’ and you are getting to the heart of the matter.

The ability to recognize, interpret and act upon multiple principles and values.

At Pieridae, we embrace the notion of ethical responsibility and the value that belief brings to what we strive to accomplish each and every day.

The latest lexicon companies use to bring this notion to life is ESG: Environmental, Social and Governance. ESG is colouring almost every business decision a company now makes.

This is a good thing.

Is ESG a fiduciary duty? We believe it is and Pieridae is on a path to define and exhibit this responsibility.